Visualizza Versione Completa : [HCP] Pubblicata la nuova release 2.8.10

21-11-2005, 21:02
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Buon download :)


The new version is finally out! A huge amount of work has been put into this version, many things has changed under the hood, recoded, restructured to provide better and safer results. Since the change log is so big I’ll summarize the changes in this news item instead. Please read this thoroughly!

Gui Redesign
The whole interface has been redesigned. It provides a more smooth and nice interface and every dialog uses the same layout. If you do not like all the gradients or has a slow computer you can always turn this off by setting HCP to use Office Xp style instead. While setting that setting or changing the color scheme you’ll notice that the whole interface will update itself so you see the changes instantly.

Minimize to system tray
There is now a setting in the general tab that enables you to minimize HCP to the system tray.

Color Settings
You now have more control on how foreground and background colors should be in views when displaying positive/negative changes and transferlisted or shortlisted players.

Shortlisting a player is easy. Copy the players HTML from hattrick and paste it to this dialog and all attributes is set in one go. This is known to be working with IE 6 and Firefox 1.06 with or without foxtrick extension. Or you may enter them manually if you whish.
A shortlisted player works as any other player in your squad with some exceptions. Things like transfers, matches and so on will obviously not be available for these players.

Settings file format
We have recoded the whole structure for settings. This was needed to change because we just couldn’t save some things in the settings file reliably. As a part of this most of your old settings will be lost, only the most vital parts and those that was easy to merge will be converted. The following settings are converted, the rest is reset to it’s default values:
Currency, language, data path, Automatic TPE updates, Proxy settings, and training settings.

Performance improvements
We have put a lot of time in optimizing code to make it run faster. Loading time has been shortened with several seconds and main playerview refresh is faster than ever. One thing to keep in mind: Avoid the Sold/retired view in the main player view. This view is slow because of the complexity of the query needed to be run to fetch this data. Create a new category instead and put the players you whish in that view with drag and drop.

New Graph component
We have changed the graph component we use to display statistic graphs throughout HCP. The new one provides much better quality of the graphs and includes other types of graphs than just a linegraph. Other functionality added is Zooming, Save as image, copy to clipboard and automatic saving of last viewed curves so you can customize the graph for what you think is interesting (This must be turned on in settings)

Transfer Price evaluation
We’ve added the possibility to set the number of days HCP uses when doing TPE comparisons. This is a per player setting.
There is also a new tool for viewing TPE statistics. This is a great tool for checking the transfer market, what is the average transfer price for a specific skill at a specific level and gives you a hunch when it’s best to sell the player to make the most profit.

We have prepared the database for a matchanalysis feature. This means that the way matchreports are stored has changed and therefore your matchreports are gone. You need to refresh all your matchreports to view them again and to be able to use the matchanalysis feature in the future. We’ve added a function to update the matchreports in the maintenance view to reduce the load on hattrick servers since it’s only this data that needs to be refreshed. When the matchanalysis feature will be ready is unknown so please do not ask about it.

Support for new Hattrick stuff
Support for the new trainingtype Wing attacks has been added aswell as support for Forwards Attack on Wings. Please note that the best position and training settings for these are guesses as we havn’t seen the full effect of these yet. When/If you know you have something better please let us know.

There are many bugs corrected in this version. This includes corrections to training calculations and display issues.
For a full list of what's new and which bugs are corrected go to the Feature & Bugtracker

Hope you find the new features useful and that you like the new design. Enjoy!

Thank you