Visualizza Versione Completa : request for all italians

22-06-2006, 16:34
MOD-Qodan is challeging the HT-community to do the impossible in only 3 weeks time. We have to create a super fed with more than 1350 members (become a top 15 fed), with a HT, with 15 nationalities, with 4 1e division managers, with interesting topics and a poll with more than 150 votes.

Maybe somebody heard already something about it, cause in 3 days time we already had like 500 members. The meaning of this all is to check how strong the HT community really is and to meet users from al around the globe and have a great time for 3 weeks.

This isn't like a regular fed ad or something, we only need people for 3 weeks to do something unique in HT history, to do the unthinkable. If you like a good challenge, if you want to meet different people, different cultures than come and have a look in Feda Morgana (44002).

Why do I post this here?
Italy is one of our blank spots in europa, for such a big country it's a real shame, it would be a loss for our fed if we can't get Italians in it.

22-06-2006, 16:46
so , this means that we can join your fed for just 3 weeks and then we can unsubscribe once we reach the goal u are talking about???


22-06-2006, 16:53
You can always stay afterwords, some are planning to do so because it's so fun to meet all those people. But the main goal is to reach our goals in those 3 weeks. What happens later is not our main concern for the moment.

It's amazing to see how many people are willing to enter a challenge like this.
If you have a spare fed slot just enter for 3 weeks time.

22-06-2006, 16:55
What's the story??

What we could do to be unthinkable or so strong to enter in the HT history. Do you want to shut the server down?
Do you want to organize a strike.

(Darthvader voice)"Tell us your power.....and we'll join you. Let us to know your power"

22-06-2006, 16:57
so , this means that we can join your fed for just 3 weeks and then we can unsubscribe once we reach the goal u are talking about???


Mmmmmh... Cosa ne pensi? cosa credi vogliano fare? La cosa sembrerebbe interessante anche se...

I'd like, but I think all of us, to know something more about that...

22-06-2006, 17:10
Mmmmmh... Cosa ne pensi? cosa credi vogliano fare? La cosa sembrerebbe interessante anche se...

I'd like, but I think all of us, to know something more about that...

credo che si faccia pubblicitá come tanti altri, il loro obiettivo é fare il record di iscritti "in tembi brevi"... non credo che sia null'altro..a sto punto se hai uno slot libero di federazioni puoi fare un FED. ST:asd: e segnarti.. entri nella storia e te ne vai se vuoi..:p

22-06-2006, 17:33
anche a me sembra la stessa cosa :D

22-06-2006, 17:51
What's the story??

What we could do to be unthinkable or so strong to enter in the HT history. Do you want to shut the server down?
Do you want to organize a strike.

(Darthvader voice)"Tell us your power.....and we'll join you. Let us to know your power"

not at all

It's based on a belgian tv program
where a city gets challenged by a famous person.
If they work together with the hole city, so hunderds of people together the 5 challenges can be solved.

MOD-Qodan had used that concept to challenge the Hattrick Community.

22-06-2006, 18:10
Done... I'm in your fed...

22-06-2006, 18:51
In pratica č una gazzata per vedere di riuscire a fare la federazione pių grossa, ma senza alcun motivo? :asd:

The jackal
22-06-2006, 20:28
In pratica č una gazzata per vedere di riuscire a fare la federazione pių grossa, ma senza alcun motivo? :asd:
