Visualizza Versione Completa : Editoriale 16/06/08: calci di punizione indiretti

16-06-2008, 11:34
Indirect free kicks
From now on, your set pieces taker will not just fire off the big gun whenever your team gets a set pieces opportunity. Once in a while he may try to find a team member instead – making it an indirect free kick! Indirect free kicks are now a reality in friendly games and from next season (October) in all games.

Overall, you will get a little bit more set pieces chances than today and about 1/3 of them will be indirect free kicks. Read this manual to find out how they work.

Related to this, your goalkeeper will use set pieces as a part when trying to save a direct free kick or a penalty. Keepers who lack set pieces skill will therefore not be as good as today when it comes to defending against set pieces. Moreover, your keeper can not be your ordinary set pieces taker anymore. These changes are also only valid in friendlies this season.

16-06-2008, 11:36
Chiarito finalmente il dubbio: per questa stagione i portieri tiratori si possono ancora usare.

16-06-2008, 11:36
Set Pieces
Some of your basic attacks will result in a set pieces opportunity. As of now there are only direct set pieces (free kicks and penalties), but indirect set pieces will soon also be a reality.

Direct set pieces
Direct set pieces are penalties and direct free kicks. To score your appointed set pieces taker has to succeed in outwitting the opposing goalkeeper.

Indirect set pieces (Coming feature)
(This feature will soon be available in friendly matches, and in Oct 2008 also in official matches.)Indirect set pieces are indirect free kicks, and the outcome depends on true team effort. To attack you use your outfield players’ average set pieces and scoring skills (plus a bonus for your free kick taker’s set pieces skill). To defend you use your outfielders’ average defending and set pieces skills, and your goalkeeper’s (extra important!) goalkeeping and set pieces skills.

Special events
Apart from the basic attacks, you can also have “special events” happen. Special events are match events triggered by players’ attributes, their specialties in particular. There are two types of special events: Goal events (more common) can gain you additional attacks and weather events (less common) affect an individual player’s performance for the rest of the game. For each special event happening in a match, the chance for another special event decreases.

Weather events
Certain specialties are better suited to certain weather condition. If a weather event happens, a certain player’s performance is affected for the rest of the game:

Technical players gain some Scoring and Playmaking in sun, and lose some of them in rain.
Powerful players gain some Scoring, Defending and Playmaking in rain, and lose some Scoring in sun. They also get more tired in sun.
Quick players lose some Scoring and Defending in rain. They also lose some Defending in sun.

If a weather event happens you will get information about it in the match report, and the player’s star rating will also reflect his performance accordingly.

Goal events
Specialties (and other player attributes) can gain you additional attacks. In addition to what is listed below, the player who pulls the chance away (often, but not always, the same player who creates the chance) also need some scoring skill in order to score from these attacks.

Unpredictable players can use their passing skill to create unexpected long passes, and their scoring skill to intercept the ball. Their unpredictability itself may also create unlikely scoring opportunities. If an unpredictable defender or inner midfielder has sufficiently low defence skill, they can also make a reckless error that will give the opponent a chance to score.
Quick wingers and forwards can create a chance by using a burst of speed. This can be countered by the opposing team using a defensive player (defender or inner midfielder) who is also quick, or has sufficient defending skill to keep up.
Technical wingers and forwards can create chances if an opposing defender or inner midfielder is a head specialist.
Wingers with sufficient winger skill can create chances that will have to be finished off by another winger or a forward. If that other player is a head specialist or has sufficient scoring skill, he will be more likely to score.
Any player with sufficient set pieces skill and sufficient scoring skill can score from a long shot.
Corner: To score from a corner kick, the player responsible for taking your set pieces will need to have sufficient set pieces skill and the player receiving the ball from the corner will have to have sufficient scoring skill. The higher the number of outfield head specialists in your team (your set pieces taker do not count), and the lower the number of outfield head specialists among your opponent's, the better your chances to score. Having no head specialists at all will make you very weak at defending against corners and very weak at scoring from your own corners.
Experience: experienced wingers and forwards can score using their experience. Inexperienced defenders and inner midfielders can give their opponents an extra chance.
Tiredness: Tired defensive players (defenders and inner midfielders) can make mistakes. Unless the opposing attacker is also too tired, this may create a chance for the opponent.

16-06-2008, 12:37
traduzione frettolosa:

d'ora in poi l'abilità in calci piazzati non servirà solo al tiratore designato ma occasionalmente un membro della tua squadra potrebbe fare un calcio di punizione indiretto. I calci di punizione indiretti sono stati aggiunti nelle amichevoli e da ottobre lo saranno in tutte le partite.

Inoltre ci saranno più occasioni su calcio piazzato che prima e circa 1/3 di questi saranno calci di punizione indiretti. Leggete il manuale.

In relazione a questo il tuo portiere userà la sua abilità nei calci piazzati per parare i calci piazzati, però il tuo portiere non potrà più essere impostato come tiratore designato. Anche questi cambiamenti sono validi nelle amichevoli in questa stagione.

16-06-2008, 12:49
Nulla di nuovo rispetto alle anticipazioni, quindi :sisi:

16-06-2008, 12:54
Ecco... lo sapevo che non dovevo prendere il cecchino... ora col portiere me ne ritrovo due sul groppone :(

16-06-2008, 12:57
Ecco... lo sapevo che non dovevo prendere il cecchino... ora col portiere me ne ritrovo due sul groppone :(

il portiere ti servirà per parare le punizioni avversarie...

16-06-2008, 13:14
il portiere ti servirà per parare le punizioni avversarie...

Si, però potevo risparmiare sul nuovo cecchino almeno per il momento :sisi:

16-06-2008, 13:21
piccola considerazione... il portiere secondo me può stare senza cp tranquillamente.

Inoltre la occasioni per i tiri saranno una % molto bassa pertanto inutile stravolgere le rose con giocatori con cp imho

16-06-2008, 13:24
Evvaiii.. ancora una stagione col divino in CP.. :)

16-06-2008, 15:16
Ultimissime dai campi
16/06/2008 Calci di punizione indiretti
D'ora in poi il vostro specialista in calci piazzati (cp) non tirerà solo punizioni o rigori durante una partita. Qualche volta proverà a pescare un proprio compagno con un calcio di punizione indiretto. Questi c.p. indiretti sono già stati una realtà nelle amichevoli, e lo diventeranno per tutte le partite a partire dalla prossima stagione (da ottobre).

Di norma, rispetto ad oggi vi saranno un po' più azioni che finiranno in calci piazzati, e circa 1/3 saranno indiretti. Vi invitiamo a leggere il manuale per scoprire come funzionano.

D'ora in poi il portiere userà la sua skill in cp quando dovrà tentare di parare una punizione o un rigore. Più è bassa la sua skill in cp, minore sarà la possibilità di parare i cp. Inoltre d'ora in avanti il portiere non potrà più essere il tiratore dei cp.
Questi cambiamenti saranno validi questa stagione solo per le amichevoli, mentre da ottobre saranno implementati in tutte le partite.

niente di nuovo insomma

16-06-2008, 16:43
Quindi assume dalla stagione 37 importanza il CP dei portieri. Se no saranno gol a grappoli.