Visualizza Versione Completa : Alltid in Hattrick... vi ricordate?

11-12-2009, 00:53
A parte Alltid che sbarella ogni pò con le statistiche, mi chiedevo da tempo che fine avesse fatto la promessa di integrazione di Alltid con Hattrick...
Ebbene ci sono news, anche se la cosa pare avere il freno a mano tirato.
Non so pratico dello Stage ma pare che presto si potrà vedere qualcosa (o almeno qualcuno di noi potrà)

Alltid In Hattrick - An Update!
HT-Weird_ed | 9.12.09

It’s been a while since we promised you that Alltid Stats would become a part of Hattrick. Since then things have been moving slowly, and you haven’t heard much from any of us about the status of the project.

Today I’m happy to say that at least some of you will be able to see the first small steps toward the new Hattrick StatsCenter as we’re releasing some code to Stage.

There hasn’t been much visible progress, but we’ve done a lot of things in the background. The most important are:

* Transferring 2TB of data from Alltids MySQL servers to Microsoft SQL. That’s a lot of data, and we’ve changed the entire database layout in the progress.
* Changed the MatchEngine to push stats directly to the new StatsCenter. In fact, it has been doing this for the last three seasons already.

And now we finally have the building blocks in place for generating the layout. It will progress a lot quicker from now on, and I hope you all will enjoy the new StatsCenter once we go live.

As I mentioned, it will appear on Stage first, and then we will slowly move parts of it over to Live, once we feel they work well enough.

The Alltid Bug Tracker is now closed, since the time is spent much better on creating the new Hattrick StatsCenter. The import problems we’ve had here the last season are really hard to fix, and they don’t affect the new stats in Hattrick. So they will be left as they are for now.

11-12-2009, 21:50
Boia interessato a tanti... e si che al tempo ricordo ci fu una bella discussione. Vabbè pace.

11-12-2009, 22:58
Seeeeeee ci toccherà aspettare..

12-12-2009, 14:08
da quanto hanno scritto sulla main page....potrebbe esserci un primo passo