14-08-2010, 09:45
Ciao ragazzi ho ricevuto qst mail credo dal selezionatore cosa devo fare e sopratutto ke devo rispondere alle 3 domandine
Hi there, my friend! Can you tell me how is your player going with the trainings?
Nothing is 100% sure, but he might have a chance to play for U20 Hellas (he is in our monitoring list). We have no favourites now, we can not hire 255 doctors anymore, so a serious injury could make a player with good chances an outsider and another one will take his place.
I would really appreciate if you answer me some questions:
1. How does your player look now (could you Copy/Paste his skills and send them to me, please?)?
2. What are you training now (do you intend to change the training)?
3. When did he pop up last time?
4. What coach and what Stamina Share are you using?
Thank you!
Hi there, my friend! Can you tell me how is your player going with the trainings?
Nothing is 100% sure, but he might have a chance to play for U20 Hellas (he is in our monitoring list). We have no favourites now, we can not hire 255 doctors anymore, so a serious injury could make a player with good chances an outsider and another one will take his place.
I would really appreciate if you answer me some questions:
1. How does your player look now (could you Copy/Paste his skills and send them to me, please?)?
2. What are you training now (do you intend to change the training)?
3. When did he pop up last time?
4. What coach and what Stamina Share are you using?
Thank you!